Glenda hamilton
BAppSci(Food), Grad Dip BUS(Mgmt)

Glenda was born in Queenstown and later lived in Forth which was a lovely little scones-over-the-fence town.
Shopping for produce was always a happy event.
She picked our own strawberries from the fields and the local butcher always gave her and her sister and a little saveloy, and a pile of butchers paper to take home to paint pictures on.
Like so so many of us, she left and studied away. She worked for companies like Coca Cola and Kraft Foods, and and worked overseas in Humanitarian Aid.
She returned to Tasmania and discovered that the food industry had developed into many areas including artisanal cheese and specialty alcohols. It was very exciting, and the feeling of meeting the producers was the same happy one that she had when she was a child.
Glenda spends her spare time hiking, playing music and her other passion, designing food for Disaster and Emergency.